Picture says all, everything is connected and working but pump just behaves like water doesn’t exist, i have absolutely no idea why. I had this exact same issue in my previous gregtech runs and i somehow fixed it but i don’t remember how, i’m feeling like i’m missing something very obvious.
You are missing the GregTech way of extracting Water from a River.
GT6 replaces Water Blocks in Rivers with Riverwater Blocks, which are infinite. Now I do not exactly know why Buildcraft Pumps dont even recognize my Water, but I do know that it works fine for GT6 ways of draining Water.
If you want an Infinite Water Source to power your Boilers and such, use a Drain Cover placed on a Pipe to drain infinite Water from a Riverwater Block.
If you want to get rid of the Water inside the River because you absolutely hate Rivers, use the Rotational Pump, which will drain the Riverwater until nothing is left.
Drain cover is a great alrernative but i still wonder how i fixed buildcraft pump in the past…
BTW IC2’s Water Turbine cannot work in GregTech’s river and sea.
Oh damn that is an Issue. I am not sure if I can get @Speiger to fix that in IC2C at least. XD
I met that under several situations including GregTech, TerraFirmaCraft and some mods I have forgotten. Please tell him to fix it.
Only if you send me a IMC message. Thats the requirement. I am not adding GT6 into my dev space.
Can you live with that?
It would be the best way indeed. ^^
Greg fixed it on his side now my side is left to implement the other side.
(How the fix works: Gregtech sends me the valid water blocks via modmessages, and I just add them to valid blocks that the watermill can see)
This patch will most likely take a couple weeks before it comes out do to other projects taking priority.
@Speiger technically wouldn’t any flowing fluid create rotational energy? Although perhaps the watermill should melt if in lava or so, lol.
But the Watermill works with non-flowing Watery Liquids too. XD
Anyways because I did not mention it here yet, Ocean and River Blocks will be Watermill Compatible, but Swamp Blocks will NOT. They are too dirty.
Well technically yes. But how do you explain the production based on consuming water?
I think this watermill has a void portal in it and you need a constant supply to produce energy xD
Sounds more like a cheap fusion chamber somehow then? Mr. Fusion? ^.^;
It should be changed, lol.
I think that was explained by “Manual Labor of putting Water Buckets into the Machine”, which was not possible to be automated until Redpower came along with Retrievers. XD
And Deployers? ^.^
Those were awesome, lol.
Yep, but i am not changing the system, that would be a very game breaking patch. And I rather not do these changes in a “Compat patch”. Generally the 1.7.10-1.12.2 version is seens as feature complete.
Anything new is not allowed to break existing worlds. Though the fertilizer change might still come.
I would personally reference more of keep that one, but make a better designed one as well, both can be made, both serve different purposes.