Advice on getting into GT6?

After seeing a video on GT6. I felt like coming back to GT6 and actually give it a serious try.

I just can never get into it as it never clicked for me compared to GT5(u) and GTCE(u), but I’m still open to giving it a try. So any advice you can give and a pack to recommend for getting into GT6?


Well for a start I would recommend at least reading this here for finding out how to start GT6, it is not much but it should help a bit. ^^

As for Pack Recommendations, I have put a lot of info about that on the Download Page itself. ^^


I know that there’s guides and packs you can recommend.

But what’s your advice for getting into GT6? Because as I said, the mod never clicked for me for the longest time and I seriously want to get into it for real.


As a total overhaul mod, you need to lessen your expectation that you know how things work in vanilla Minecraft and other mods. Be open to investigating how things are done in GT.

You need to become good at sleuthing through NEI, because there is little documentation other than the in-game recipes and books. Take notes. Read on the forum. Ask questions on IRC. Eventually you’ll find most everything is remarkably consistent and reflects real world physics.

GT is less about multi-function magic blocks than having discrete components to build your own systems. In game interaction with block faces is prioritized over GUIs. Smelting is a great example. In Tinker’s construct you build a cute multiblock smelter, which then operates pretty simply (lava and ore in, ingots out). In GT you build a heat source (burning box, gas or liquid, electric heating element, heat exchanger, etc), fuel it, and then put a crucible on it (clay, steel, up to exotic metals). Then you have to manage the temperature by material or it explodes. It’s up to you how to get the molten metal out of the crucible into ingot molds, etc. There are multiple tiers of heat, of temperature, of materials that must work together.

It’s incredible if you’re into automation, games like Factorio.

My mod pack (Devouring Darkness) and matching server is a hardcore horror survival GT pack. Early game you literally are in the stone age, and progress up through bronze, iron, and begin to make machines, early power, and automation. It’s such a smooth tech progression. I only added the overwhelming odds, starvation, and a touch of magic.

I’m still learning more about EU power sources, integrating GT with AE2, and scaling up my base. It’s fantastic. It’s certainly not a mod you can “beat” in a few days like TE.

Some other reading you might benefit from is my DD guide, which links to other GT pages: Guide

EDIT: Make sure you quickly create a GT Magnifying Glass in game. Many of the blocks that have no GUI will give you feedback in chat when you examine them with the glass. Hoppers show item counts, Dust funnels show their configuration. Pipes say what is in them, etc.


Is Bears Den’s Surviving GT6 Season 3 a good pack to get into GT6 with? I only saw the first episode and one of the most recent ones, but I see that there’s a questbook to help you get started with.

Edit: Oh and how do I enable Dungeon Generation and what I believe it’s the world spawn hub? I want to check these out, yet I never figured out how to actually enable them.


worldgenerationnew.cfg in the gregtech subdirectory of your config Folder.

    center {
        biomes {
        nexus {
        beacon {
        testing {
        streets {

The Biomes add a sample of a few Biomes around the spawn Area. Including things like Vanilla Trees, Melons, Cactii or Cocoa Beans.

The Nexus is a Multi Portal Room, but all Portals need to be activated the normal way.

The Beacons are not really necessary for the spawn Area, they turned out to have not that much of a horizontal Range to be useful.

The Streets are infinite Roads along the X and Z Axis, the Road Stripes even work like straight Minecart Booster Tracks since a few months.

The Testing thing is a 2x2 Chunk Building where I conduct most of my Testing, it has a lot of quite cheaty Items inside.


I like their quest book! Really helpful.

DD you’re left to die in darkness. =]


I play with as little mods as possible so I can focus on Gregtech. I know I’m in the minority here but I think it’s more fun that way.


Actually, I often yearn to aswell. It’s amazing how much a single mod can actually provide when you pay attention to it.


the Devouring Darkness experience


I used Emacs. I didn’t pick Mercy.