A missing icon of fluid

I noticed a missing icon of fluid when I added matter overdrive.
Other items which are also Tn3Dn have correct colors.


It seems that GT6 loaded the bad texture of MO.
But I checked the texture of MO and found that it is not missing.
And the MO seems not have the usage of this bad texture.

So why not GT6 adds its own texture?

Also, an interesting point, the other tanks can load it properly.


This is exactly why the Tooltip says “Fluid NOT owned by GT6”. MO seems to have ONE missing Texture somewhere…


It seems that the 0.4.2-hotfix1 is the last version of MO in 1.7.10.
To fix this issue, I need to get the code, fix it and compile it…

The other items which are also made from Tn3Dn have their own colors.
The color of MO is not suitable with GT6.
Can GT6 add its texture?


Well, I finally fixed it. :laughing:

At MatterOverdriveBlocks.java:140 :

blockMoltenTritanium = (BlockFluidFinite)new BlockFluidFinite(MatterOverdriveFluids.moltenTritanium,Material.lava).setBlockName("molten_tritanium").setBlockTextureName(Reference.MOD_ID + ":" + "molten_tritanium_Still");

The “molten_tritanium_Still” is wrong.
It should be “molten_tritanium_still”.

In development environment, the check of strings maybe a little loose so it can work well.
But it will cause a missing texture after it was compiled.

Here are pictures which show this modification is effective.
Now the affected GT texture can work normally.


Ah so it works for you in Dev because you are a Windows user and the NTFS File System on your Drive does not care about upper or lower case in File and Folder Names.

As for the Issue, did you fix it on Matter Overdrive side or just on your personal Version?


Thank you for your answer about the names of files.

I builded a personal version of MatterOverdrive.

I got the source code from github, fixed it and builded it.

It seems that 0.4.2-hotfix1 is the last version of MO because there are there years since the latest issue request on github.

At that time, the GT6 was developing so there may not have chance to find this problem.

Now MO is DEAD. I think it is hard to release a new version to fix this issue.

By the way, the color is not suitable with GT6 so why not add a texture which is owned by GT6 and force the GT6 to use it? Tn and Dn appeared in GT6’s material list.


Because those two Materials exist BECAUSE of Matter Overdrive, a LOT of Materials exist because of OTHER mods adding them.

Anyways I might be able to fix it if its as easy as adding that line of code you posted earlier.


So I finally got reminded of this at a moment i was actually having time. XD

I added the following line to GT6:

if (MD.MO.mLoaded) try {ST.block(MD.MO, “molten_tritanium”).setBlockTextureName(MD.MO.mID + “:” + “molten_tritanium_still”);} catch(Throwable e) {e.printStackTrace(ERR);}

:gregory: This Version should probably be working for you. ^^

(note 1: The scary sounding Description is only there to make sure people don’t use that Version lightly.)

(note 2: if you use this Version more often, make sure your Browser didn’t cache the Download)


Well, it works properly now. :laughing:
Thank you for your fix.