So I finally decided to install Pi-Hole on my PoE-HAT-Pi-4B-4GB, and it is damn good at blocking not only Ads, but also a bunch of random Websites, like the ones certain Modders use for checking/announcing Updates. Also found out that the old official Minecraft Launcher connects to tumblr for some weird fucking reason. Pi-Hole also doesn’t eat much performance, and is easily Browser accessible from any other Computer in the Network.
I originally used the Pi as a Backup NAS, but that made some problems, because the USB 3 Chip tends to overheat and disconnect the Drives, and the PoE HAT Fan doesn’t react to the USB Chips Temperatures, and even if it did, I hate Fan noise so that isn’t an option either.
Luckily this was just a proof of concept, so I know that I can do it if I wanted to, not like i have a ton of USB Hubs to connect the Drives to if needed.
I managed to install KDE Plasma Desktop to the Pi too, while also ripping out all the unnecessary junk that was preinstalled with Rasbian/Raspberry-Pi-OS.
I am surprised just how much junk was installed there. GTK Desktop, QT Desktop and OpenBox Desktop, along with Chromium Browser and 3 other random ass Browsers that aren’t Firefox.
Apparently the “sudo” Group is also not listed as being an admin authority, while the “pi” User specifically was. And that with the default Pi Repository, so that once you replace the “pi” User like the security conscious person you are, it is resulting in an annoying Issue when you get an UI prompt for your sudo password and you can only select the User “root”, to enter your password for (and not your own User), which ofcourse doesn’t have a password, because only idiots have a permanent password on the “root” User.
But I finally got that fixed, so I can use a Text Editor that isn’t fucking nano to edit the boot config of the Pi.
I also decided to put that tiny Intenso USB Stick, that is smaller than a Wireless Mouse Dongle, into the Pi-Keyboard-USB-Hub, so I can access Scripts and other Stuff on the Pi’s easier without having to bother with Network Setup when messing with random Pi’s.
This is about all the Pi Adventures I had the last three days. Always nice to sort out things, and monitoring even more of those stupid Background Applications phoning home.