Question about crystallisation crucible efficiency

I recently noticed that lower tier (steel) crystallization crucible uses less coal per one operation than titanium tier crucible. Example: Titanium -> ~60 Coal; Steel -> ~20 Coal; Does this mean that titanuim crucible has around 33% efficiency? Both burning boxes has 100% efficiency (dense invar for steel and dense tantalum hafnium carbide for titanium). I dont sure about exact number but can say that steal crucible makes at least 2 boules per 64 coal. Titanium crucible can only make 1 per 64 using near all fuel.
its probably problem with a new burning box, but i dont sure.


Crucibles do not have an Efficiency Value whatsoever. Just always remember you heat up not only the contents of the Crucible but also the Crucible itself. so the heavier the Crucible the more heat it eats while heating up.

Edit: Oops you mean Crystallization Crucible, in which case Overclocking costs apply making it twice as fast and twice as expensive.


It doesnt noted on machine description so i asked. Thanks for explanations. Also it better to use several steel crucibles instead of one high level than. I dont have infinity fuel sources (oil, gas) nearby, so my only fuel is coal. :slightly_frowning_face:


Oh that is because pretty much all Machines behave like that.

And yes low Tier Stuff makes more sense earlygame.