Sadly a lot of that shit is hardcoded and copypasted in a lot of places, so I cant just hook into it for MC…
All depends on how the item is implemented.
Well Minecraft does have Microblocks, so it would be something similar to that, but in ECS.
I’m slightly more worried about world memory overflow due to dropped tools, and especially left behind trimmings from felled trees. At least the tree process can be called X leaf dust, bark dust, etc on the block as described for other types of dirt.
Normal play is fine, especially as those tools keep all of their data wherever they are stored (including as free object on the ground). And, iirc, there was consideration of unloading boring chunks.
Having (a hook in) the block replace code check adjacent spaces it can export the dirt (or other replaceable block element) into would be no worse than a single-tick liquid source. Or for some porous blocks you could allow them to have the dust internally (like mortar in bricks).
This is NOT Minecraft that we are talking about. There is no “Item Entities” that float around and tick like crazy with physics and shit. Items that lay around in my Game are way more comparable with a Stone Button, a piece of Gravel on the Floor or Microblocks than with anything laggy.
And ofcourse you cannot have more than a whole block worth of Dust, those Dusts will become visible once they are numerous enough.
In my head I see it as the world working as a grid, with each holding a list of items in that particular area rather than each item being their own entity.