Fission reactor extention/changes/overhaul

I can’t reproduce the problem either with my browser and my phone.
Have you tried to use one of those ad-blocking webprograms to browse the information superhighway? It is >currentyear after all.


I use so much Ad Blocking that I dont know if this is true or not.

uMatrix (to have control over what shit a Site can load)
Adblock Plus (to blacklist certain web elements)
Pi-Hole (to blacklist Ad Domains)
Firefox (though that doesn’t prevent most Ads ofcourse, though it works against tracking)
and Linux in general (since clearly that cant get a Virus)

Though considering it is a Website dedicated to hosting PDFs, why the fuck aren’t you just posting a normal Link to your PDF @Erik3003 ?


Any chance of a screen shot ( and description ) of this setup? I was trying to figure out why you would want to use Co-60. It seems to have a long lifespan like Uranium, but much lower neutron counts. It seems suitable for maybe running strong invar boiler, not a large multiblock one.

Are there any blocks that you can encase the reactor in to contain the radiation? Kind of like IC2 reinforced C-foam? Though I guess that just helped to contain any explosion of something went wrong since there was no actual radiation from the reactor, only when you carried the stuff in your inventory.


Fixed, now links to the official location. When I uploaded it to that site it must have seemed pretty normal, probably because I used uBlock and uMatrix. Sorry for any trouble I caused.


Main reason to use Co-60 instead of any other fuel - GT6 is too easy (for me). So I make nuclear fuel much harder to get, especially in current world. Only then Co-60 becomes good. Hint: there are centrifuging recipes for depleted fuel rods. For example, depleted Co-60 fuel rod gives 12/72 U-238.

If I put a screenshot, nerfs will come. So no :slight_smile:

Nothing blocks radiation currently. If you want to get rid of damaging debuff, remove IC2.


An easy way to balance nuclear reactors a bit more would actually be to disable the 1x1 reactor block, because they are kind of superior in all regards (except maybe looks and compactness) compared to the 2x2 reactor block. Easier to work with, easier to control, easier to automate, moderator rods are twice as powerful in them due to touching more sides (even touching another 1x1 reactor counts as 2 sides), etc.

Disabling them would remove some complexity from reactor designs, but the additional limitations caused by their disappearance would in turn add new complexity in other places, like automation and control. Also I believe the radiation is also a thing without IC2.


Maybe. But that would be removing working thing from the game. 1x1 can be more expensive to use than 2x2 (up to 4 times more lead). I found uses for both reactor blocks. 1x1 was good for moderated Co-60 reactors, 2x2 was good for breeding. I’m not sure what reactor design would be better for Pu-239 + 4 absorbers in industrial coolant.


I was wondering why are there only two kinds of breeder rods? I was reading up on Cobalt-60 ( in real life ) and it seems that it is made from regular cobalt in a breeder reactor, though it apparently isn’t very useful as reactor fuel itself because it mostly emits gamma rays instead of neutrons.


Enchantment: Hulk Smash?