Chop Golems and Axe of Stream Incompatibility

It is on my List, I am gonna fix it whenever I am coding again. But these notifications are annoying me so this goes to the “Later” category. ^^


By the way. This logic is wrong too because BlockMetadata is gotten differently.

for(ItemStack is : OreDictionary.getOres(ore)) 
      Item item = is.getItem();
      int metadata = item.getMetadata(is.getItemDamage());//This function is used for converting item metadat into block metadata
      ItemElementalAxe.oreDictLogs.add(Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(Item.getIdFromItem(is.getItem())), Integer.valueOf(metadata)}));

(Also @Overmind could tab be supported?)


Speiger autocomplete works for @OvermindDL1 using the Tab key if you mean that. And the Axe list is SUPPOSED to use Block Metadata so that is correct if you explained this the way you explained it :stuck_out_tongue:

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No i mean in general. When typing code i dislike that “tab” does not work.
Also no i mean filling the list out of itemstacks. If you want to convert a “Item Metadata” to a “Block Metadata” you have to call: Item.getMetadata(int damage), because thats the conversion function.
(If different durabilities could mean different blockmetadata, actually i know a couple mods that made use of that.)


Since we now have ASM, I guess I can revive this while @OvermindDL1 has time to do random codework at work. XD

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After testing the Golems, they actually do chop down Willow Trees, so I dont know why I have put this Bug into the Later Category. Anyways its already fixed since a while.

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Huh? What about tab? Pressing tab in this message box jumps to reply as expected?

Also, isn’t this thaumcraft issue already fixed by GT6 updating TC’s wood ID’s on ID changes?

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