Yeah breaking tools gets you negative Effects. Supposed to discourage people from spamming Stone Pickaxes.
Hmm I found a problem, I installed DraconicEvolution with GT6, when I place a tool pressing “P” key, I will also receive some negative Effects.
Uh what??? Does this P key thing ONLY work with Draconic Evolution Tools or does it work with any?
It can place any thing on the ground…
I recorded a video, as you can see, press “P” can place many thing on ground,and when tool be placed, I will receive effects.
Hmm, why it says "the file exceed size limit(64MiB)"when uploading video
But It didn’t really
A similiar thing happens with Balkon’s weapons throwing knives, when you throw them you receive the penalty. I assume it’s because it’s using the same removal method as breaking them does.
Dumb question, why the fuck is the file size 19 megs for a 30 second video that wouldn’t even need ONE meg? Is this like completely uncompressed???
I fear I might only be able to fix the thing with Balkons throwables, as the P Button apparently works for literally everything, and I hoped I could just blacklist the one item from the system.
No I just re-record a smaller and shorter video…
original video is 90secs, 1920*1080 with 60fps
So how did you check whether the tool will broke…?
There literally is a Forge Event for “Tool Reached Zero Durability” which should NOT be called for things like “taking something out of the slot”.
Okay…seems forge made some mistake
No, whoever made that P Key press thingy made the mistake of shooting that event for no damn reason.
handbrake is a good tool for reducing video sizes, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t depending on the original encoding.
Okay, Maybe I could fork DraconicEvolution and take a look…
I’m making a 3×3×3Tank, it is possible to detect whether the input source is a machine or a pipe?
I already tried protected IFluidTank getFluidTankFillable(MultiTileEntityMultiBlockPart aPart, byte aSide, FluidStack aFluidToFill)
,but aSide
seems always ‘6’ because TileEntityBase01Root:626
the method fill gives SIDE_ANY
I tried override it in my 3×3×3Tank Controller class but take no effort.
No it is not possible to detect that.
and whatever you are doing is not even close to doing the thing you want either.
I mentioned Circuit board can be made from Teflon and Bakelite which from HBM nuclear tech, will you add something around them in future?
Not really, one Plastic is enough for me. XD
Hello! I mentioned GT6 have many kind of Loot Chest,and replaced chests in vanilla structure
I want to know how to add a Item to that loot table, and how to place a chest with GT loot?
Its literally the vanilla Loot Tables LOL.
Hello, I found that fluids that Lighter that air behaves strangely in stacked drums.
Some drums are completely empty when other drums still have fluid.
This is a small video to show that.
Yeah Gasses are the Issue there, those move up and down from a Drum, so the Drums try to move it both ways, which leads to the Stuff getting stuck on one end of the Tower.